As we all look for unique ways to share our love of books this holiday season we, here at The Things You Can Read, plan on sharing unusual gifts for book lovers to give children and adults of all ages. What made us think of this? Well, we took notice of a, new to us, book, which we ran across as we perused possible book choices to give our preschool aged children for Christmas. Take a peek at these three wonderful picture "pop-up" books, perfect for holiday gift giving, for young and old alike. Yes, there are adults out there that collect pop-up books and if you are one of them, Louise Rowe's paper cut outs are amazing. Checkout the illustrator's, website. Don't forget to let us know what you think of Brother's Grimm going pop-up!

Happy Reading and Gift Buying!
The Things You Can Read
Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of Books!
Happy Reading and Gift Buying!
The Things You Can Read
The Things You Can Read

Great idea. Thanks for this post!