
Saturday, February 22, 2014


A BLAST from the PAST:  Peter Max's poster for National Library Week, an annual event organized by the American Library Association, which dates back to 1969.  The poster may be 45 years old, but the message is as valid today as it was back in the sixties. 

How often do you read?  Has reading helped you be all that you can be?  Let us know here at The Things You Can Read!

Happy reading to all! ☮
Happy Reading
The Things You Can Read!
Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of Books!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Pact by Mitchell S. Karnes Review and Giveaway

The Pact by Mitchell S. Karnes has a timely message about bullying.   Bullying is defined by as, "unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose."  Middle School is a breeding ground for this type of behavior and parents are often unaware of the ramifications of this serious issue.   Karnes takes this topic and makes it accessible to both teens and adults.  Yes, this is a book for both audiences.  Karnes allows this issue come to life with his likable protagonist, Scott Addison.  When Scott's mother, a single parent, moves her family to the small Southern Illinois town of Meadowbrook all Scott wants to do is to blend in, but life has a way of forcing people to stand up for what they believe; in so doing, Scott must face the attention of a pack of bullies at his new school, which is the last thing he wants.  Hey, are you hooked yet?

Within the story Karnes addresses such questions as why children bully, how bullies pick their victims, and how standing up to a bully alone might not be the best way to address bullying due to the unforeseen repercussions.  The Pact is a cautionary tale, which educates and entertains at the same time.  Give the book some breathing room.  The more you read the more intriguing the story becomes.  In my opinion, a must read for teens, parents, and educators alike. 

As an educator, I have strong feelings about this topic and its long-term effects on bullied children; I feel the sensitive subject matter was deftly handled by the author.  I often worry that bulling is a silent threat in our schools, which often goes unreported.  I plan on donating my copy of The Pact to my school library in hopes that the book will speak to the students at my middle school.

I'd like to thank TLC Book Tours and the author, Mitchell S. Karnes, for allowing me the opportunity to review this book.

Others blogs on the tour this week include:

Monday, February 17th:  Seaside Book Nook
Wednesday, February 19th:  Shelf Full of Books
Thursday, February 20th:  Savings in Seconds

Summary Courtesy:  Goodreads

The Pact by Mitchell S Karnes

Scott Addison never set out to be a hero. But sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you can't run away from destiny. On the heels of his father's death, Scott and his mother move from Iowa City, Iowa to the small Southern Illinois town of Meadowbrook. Scott just wanted to blend observe be one of the kids. Unfortunately for Scott, his instincts, heart, and integrity took over on his first day at his new middle school. Scott stood up to and faced down three larger boys torturing a wiry little boy named Paul. This simple act of kindness and chivalry put Scott in the midst of the conflict and on the receiving end of the bullies' antics. Paul introduces Scott to two high school friends who just happen to play Warriors & Thieves, Scott's favorite role-playing fantasy game. The game and his new friends provide a much needed escape from both his past and his present least for a while. But no matter how hard Scott tries to blend in at school, his pet peeve of bullying and his overwhelming sense of right and wrong continue to push him into the limelight, bringing praises from many, but more opposition from the bullies. When the hazing goes too far Scott decides it is time to take a matter the cost. Of course, sometimes, that's the price heroes must pay.
I have two copies of The Pact to giveaway.  Here's what to do...
1FOLLOW The Things You Can Read on
Google Friends Connect (GFC), by Email, or Bloglovin.  If
you already follow us, let us know in your official comment.
2To enter, write a comment on the
official February 18th Review Post
3The winners will be chosen by using the

The winners will be contacted by email on February 23, 2014.  I will post the winners name and blog(s), with their permission.  However, you don't have to have a blog to participate.
The winners names will be posted the week of February 24, 2014.  Again, you don't have to have a blog to participate. 

Do you have any thoughts on bullying?  Does a book that grapples with this social issue interests you?  If so, let us know here at The Things You Can Read!

Happy reading to all! ☮

Happy Reading
The Things You Can Read!
Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of Books!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Literary Blog Hop: February 8-12, 2014
The Things You Can Read is proud to be joining The Literary Blog Hop hosted by Judith@Leeswammes' Blog.  What does that mean?  It means you have a chance to win some great books or book related prizes, but not just from The Things You Can Read, but from all those participating in The Literary Blog Hop.

We here at  The Things You Can Read will be giving away a free literary book of your choice (you must be a member of to receive the book) or a $10 gift certificate to to be used for a literary book of your choice .  Here are the rules:
1The Literary Blog Hop
starts February 8-12, 2014 
2To enter write a comment on the
official February 8th post and fill out the entry form: Click Here

3Now, FOLLOW The Things You Can Read on
Google Friends Connect (GFC), by Email or Bloglovin.  If
you already follow us, let us know in your official comment.

4The winner will be chosen by using the

The winner will be contacted by email after the contest
has concluded (February 12, 2014 Eastern Standard Time.)  We will post the winners name
and blog (with their permission) when
we announce the WINNER.  However you don't have to have a blog to participate.
Don't forget to checkout the other The Literary Blog Hop participants and Good Luck!  The Literary Blog Hop is from February 8 until February 12, 2014! Enjoy, and let us know what new blogs you discover as you hop around the blogosphere!

Here is a list for your hopping convenience:

  1. Leeswammes
  2. Seaside Book Nook
  3. Booklover Book Reviews
  4. Biblionomad
  5. Laurie Here
  6. The Well-Read Redhead (US/CA)
  7. River City Reading
  8. GirlVsBookshelf
  9. Ciska’s Book Chest
  10. The Book Stop
  11. Ragdoll Books Blog
  12. Nishita’s Rants and Raves
  13. Lucybird’s Book Blog
  14. Reading World (N-America)
  15. Journey Through Books
  16. Readerbuzz
  17. Always With a Book (US)
  18. 52 Books or Bust (N.Am./UK)
  19. Guiltless Reading (US/CA)
  20. Book-alicious Mama (US)
  21. Wensend
  22. Books Speak Volumes
  23. Words for Worms
  24. The Relentless Reader
  25. A Lovely Bookshelf on the Wall (US)

Happy Reading
The Things You Can Read!
Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of Books!
  1. Fourth Street Review
  2. Vailia’s Page Turner
  3. The Little Reader Library
  4. Lost Generation Reader
  5. Heavenali
  6. Roof Beam Reader
  7. Mythical Books
  8. Word by Word
  9. The Misfortune of Knowing
  10. Aymaran Shadow > Behind The Scenes
  11. The Things You Can Read (US)
  12. Bay State Reader’s Advisory
  13. Curiosity Killed the Bookworm
  14. Lizzy’s Literary Life
  15. Books Can Save a Life (N. America)
  16. Words And Peace (US)
  17. The Book Club Blog