
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Is Barnes & Noble in Big Trouble?

Just recently, I was talking with a fellow teacher, and commenting on the number of Barnes & Noble stores that were to be closing their doors. These announcements were coming in at about one or two a week...from all over the United States, now this...What are your thoughts? Will Barnes & Noble be around in the next five years, or will we see another major bookseller close their doors? Let us know your thoughts here at the Things You Can Read.

NEW YORK — Sales plummeted at Barnes & Noble bookstores in the latest quarter and its Nook e-book devices failed to keep up with competitors, pushing the company to a net loss that more than doubled from a year ago.  The largest traditional U.S. bookseller said Tuesday that it will stop making its own Nook color touchscreen tablets as a result, a move intended to stem the losses it's suffering from its digital unit. Huffington Post

Here is some more information on Barnes & Noble as reported by Shelf Awareness:
Barnes & Noble plans to open five stores and close 15-20 in the current fiscal year; in the past year, B&N opened two stores and closed 18. The company also said that despite speculation to the contrary, it hasn't reduced book title inventory "substantially" in the past two to three years. This and other information was given by B&N in a conference call with stock analysts after its quarterly and fiscal year results were announced on Tuesday (transcript courtesy of Awareness

Again, what are your thoughts on Barnes & Nobles problems?  Let us know here at The Things You Can Read!

Happy Reading and Happy Blogoversary to
The Things You Can Read!
Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of Books!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

More About Orwell: 1984 told in photographs

The first 369 words of 1984

The "Big Brother" syndrome does seems to be alive and kicking.  Check this one out:  1984 told in photographs.  Let us know what you think of this visual project of 1984 here at The Things You Can Read.

It started as a way to get to know my new camera, and to ensure that my expensive investment wouldn’t end up covered in dust six months after I bought it, neglected after the initial honeymoon period of frantic snapping. I’d bought a Canon EOS7D for myself to celebrate the end of my PhD, and received a damn fine lens as a gift. The 1984 photo project became a behemoth that challenged my creativity and my

"War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
-George Orwell,
If you were to tackle such a project, what novel would you capture in visual images?  We'd tackle To Kill a Mockingbird.  Hey, have you read 1984?  What are your thoughts on "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU"?  Again, let us know here at The Things You Can Read.

Happy Reading and Happy Blogoversary to
The Things You Can Read!
Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of Books!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Book Blogger Hop: June 28-July 4, 2013

So would you read a book just because of the hype?

Yes, I would and I have.  However, I am wise enough to realize that just because there is tons of hype, it does not necessarily mean I will like the book, nor that I will finish it!

Happy Reading and Happy Blogoversary to
The Things You Can Read
Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of Books!

Fahrenheit 451 in 3 Minutes

Fahrenheit 451

We recently were introduced to Academic Earth.  A great site!  Watch the video and see how they boiled Fahrenheit 451 down to a three minute summary that encapsulates the major issues/themes found in this classic by Ray Bradbury.

Who or what is
Ray Bradbury wrote Fahrenheit 451 at the height of McCarthyism. Today, with the increasing proliferation of surveillance equipment in American cities, the spread of digital books and the decline of attention spans, Fahrenheit 451 remains a startlingly relevant work of fiction today.
 Academic Earth believes that everyone has the right to a world-class education. Recognizing the existing barriers in academia, we continue ur efforts to curate an unparalleled collection of free online courses from the world’s top universities. Moving forward, we honor the egalitarian spirit of Academic Earth’s founders as we develop a platform to facilitate the global sharing of ideas, both inside and outside the

Created by

What did you think of the video?  Did it cover all the key points?  Let us know your thought here at The Things You Can Read!

Happy Reading and Happy Blogoversary to
The Things You Can Read!
Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of Books!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

And the Winner is...

Unfortunately, the Literary Giveaway Blog Hop has come to an end.  I want to thank all those who hopped by, and a special thanks to all those who left comments and decided to follow The Things You Can Read!  I also want to say another special "Thank You" to Judith@Leeswammes' Blog for hosting the event.  I know my traffic tracker indicated a sharp rise in visits between June 22 and June 26, and I know the hop was the reason behind more visits.  Again, thanks go out to Judith@Leeswammes' Blog and all those who visited The Things You Can Read over those hopping five days.

Now, it's time for what you have all been waiting for the name of the winner of the Literary Giveaway Blog Hop.  The winner was chosen by using the RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR
(see below)...the generator says the winner is number not counting my replies and Judith's comment that makes the winner: Valley Brown@Romance and Writing.  Thanks to all those who entered.  I hope you will make a return visit to The Things You Can Read,  and don't hesitate to spread the word about us.

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2013-06-27 12:16:59 UTC
We'd love to hear any feedback on our site.  We are always looking for ways to improve The Things You Can Read!  Thanks again for HOPPING on over.

Happy Reading and Happy Blogoversary to
The Things You Can Read!
Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of Books!

Summer Gifting: For All Occassions

Looking for the perfect summer gift, well checkout "Books to give as gifts for every occasion" Recommendions come by way of Buzzfeed.  According to Buzzfeed, books:

"make the best presents, unless the person you're giving them to is a horrible book-hating cave-monster and in that case why are you even giving them anything."
Happy Gifting to all those who warrant a gift over the summer months.

Happy Reading and Happy Blogoversary to
The Things You Can Read!
Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of Books!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Happy Belated Birthday to Eric Blair A.K.A. George Orwell!

George Orwell has been a media darling with his many mentions in the news, since the NSA revelations, so we couldn't let his birthday go by without a shout out even if it is a day late!

Happy Belated Birthday to Eric Blair A.K.A. George Orwell!  Born: June 25, 1903

It's the birthday of novelist George Orwell born Eric Blair in Motihari, India, in 1903. He won a scholarship to Eton and didn't fit in because he was poor. Instead of going to a university, he escaped England to join the Imperial Police in Burma, but he quit after five years because, he said, "I could not go on any longer serving an imperialism which I had come to regard as very largely a racket."

He decided he would become a writer. He lived as a tramp for four years, wearing ragged clothes and living with laborers and beggars in the slums of London and Paris. He worked in the hopfields in Kent and as a dishwasher in a French hotel, and wrote about it in Down and Out in Paris and London (1933) under the pen name George Orwell, after the River Orwell in East Anglia. He published his first novel, Burmese Days (1934), the next year.

Animal Farm (1945) is a political fable about a group of barnyard animals that chase off their human masters and set up their own society. But then the smartest animals, the pigs, take control and turn out to be even more ruthless than the humans. He wrote, "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." At first, Orwell couldn't find a publisher for Animal Farm. But when it came out, it was an instant success and for the first time Orwell had some money in his pocket. Orwell used the royalties to buy a remote house on the island of Jura, off the coast of Scotland. He had tuberculosis, and when he wasn't too sick to type, he smoked black shag tobacco and wrote his masterpiece Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), a novel set in a future where the world is controlled by totalitarian police states. The book gave us words and phrases such as "Big Brother is watching you," "Thought Police," and "doublethink." --The Writer's Almanac is produced by Prairie Home Productions and presented by American Public Media.

"War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
-George Orwell,
Hey, have you read 1984?  What are your thoughts on "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU"?  Again, if you haven't already let us know your thoughts here at The Things You Can Read.

Happy Reading and Happy Blogoversary to
The Things You Can Read!
Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of Books!

Orwell Spike? 1984 in 2013?

It's 1984 All Over Again: Orwell's Book Sales Spike

While getting ready one morning a few weeks ago, I heard the most interesting story on NPR entitled Book News: Sales Of Orwell's '1984' Spike After NSA Revelations.  Then, I began seeing other stories out there on the Internet on the same topic, so I felt like it was something to ponder.  The "Big Brother" syndrome does seems to be alive and kicking in some folks minds.  Would you consider the Orwellian version of the world to be most fitting or Aldous Huxley's vision of the World State in Brave New World to be more appropriate?  What do you think?  Let us know here at The Things You Can Read.
(via Paul Noth in The New Yorker)

Daily disclosures about America's surveillance apparatus have sparked renewed interest in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. TheWall Street Journal reported that by early yesterday, sales of the dystopian classic had jumped noticeably, with one edition rising more than 7,000% in its Amazon rankings, moving from #13,074 on Monday to the top 200.
The paperback edition Plume published on the centennial of Orwell's birth in 2003 was ranked #80 on Amazon this morning, and the 60th anniversary edition #149. Elizabeth Keenan, a spokeswoman for the publisher, told the Journal that the sales jump is "symptomatic of all the surveillance coverage," adding that while sales typically increase this time of year because of high school summer reading lists, this spike was unusual and "Plume wasn't ruling out a relaunch of the book to capitalize on the interest."-Self Awareness

"War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
-George Orwell,
Have you read 1984?  What are your thoughts on "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU"?  Again, let us know here at The Things You Can Read.

Happy Reading and Happy Blogoversary to
The Things You Can Read!
Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of Books!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Win a Signed Copy of THE OCEAN AT THE END OF THE LANE by Neil Gaiman

Click HERE to enter the Shelf Awareness Giveaway!  Don't know if you want to enter, well check out the Goodreads summary of Neil Gaiman's new book.
Good Luck to all those who enter!  Take a moment and let us know if you enter! 
Happy Reading and Happy Blogoversary to
The Things You Can Read!
Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of Books!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Review: Mary and Lou and Rhoda and Ted: And all the Brilliant Minds Who Made The Mary Tyler Moore Show a Classic by Jennifer Keishin

Mary and Lou and Rhoda and Ted: And all the Brilliant Minds Who Made The Mary Tyler Moore Show a Classic
Rating:4 of 5 stars
"I'm an experienced woman.  I've been around...Well, all right, I might not have been around, but I've been...nearby."-Mary Richards
Were you a kid in 70s?  I was.  Did your family gather around the TV on Saturday night to watch the great line-up on CBS?  Mine did.  One of our Saturday night favorites was The Mary Tyler Moore Show.  I can hear the theme song playing in my head as I type..."Who can turn the world on with her smile..." I loved seeing Mary walk through the streets of Minneapolis and finally throwing her Turquoise and black knit beret in the air at the intersection of Nicollet Mall and Seventh Street.  If these are familiar memories then Mary and Lou and Rhoda and Ted: And all the Brilliant Minds Who Made The Mary Tyler Moore Show a Classic by Jennifer Keishin Armstrong will be pure reading pleasure, not to mention, a real blast from the past.
If you open this book looking for interviews with the key players of The Mary Tyler Moore Show then you may be disappointed.  Interviews are not how this book is structured.  Instead, you will discover how the show developed, from premise to execution, to iconic 70s TV, and finally, to its demise.
Did you know that Mary Tyler Moore was involved in a catastrophic Broadway musical of Breakfast at Tiffany's?  Did you know that most of the scripts for the Mary Tyler Moore Show were often based on true scenarios from the female writer's lives?  Did you know that the series almost didn't last beyond its thirteen episode commitment?  Did you know that James L. Brooks, one of the producers of The Mary Tyler Moore Show was one of the co-creators of a popular, but not too memorable TV show called My Mother the Car,  These are the types of tidbits that litter the pages of  Mary and Lou and Rhoda and Ted: And all the Brilliant Minds Who Made The Mary Tyler Moore Show a Classic by Jennifer Keishin Armstrong.
One of several surprise takeaways from Mary and Lou and Rhoda and Ted: And all the Brilliant Minds Who Made The Mary Tyler Moore Show a Classic was the history of women comedy writers.  Hard to believe that this show allowed women to break the glass ceiling and join the "Male-Only" comedic writing force.  The second takeaway was a study in human nature, that of Ed Asner.  Such a great actor, but such a flawed person; he held to  such rigid beliefs and advocacies, and in so doing destroyed a long-time friendship and his own TV show, Lou Grant.  And finally, the third takeaway was what the character, Mary Richards, did for women all over America.  From the girl next door to Oprah Winfrey, young women and young girls saw what they might achieve through Mary.  "The show was a light in my life, and Mary was a trailblazer for my generation...She's the reason I wanted my own production company," stated Oprah Winfrey.  In short, Mary Richard A.K.A. Mary Tyler Moore became a symbol for women for generations, which makes The Mary Tyler Moore Show something more than an interesting blip on the 70s pop culture radar.

Take the Quiz:
Are You a Mary or a Rhoda?

Are You a Lou or a Ted?
Additional Resources:
After All-Mary Tyler Moore's Autobiography
I, Rhoda-Valerie Harper's Autobiography
Summary Courtesy of Goodreads:
Mary and Lou and Rhoda and Ted: And all the Brilliant Minds Who Made The Mary Tyler Moore Show a Classic
The story of the making of a classic and groundbreaking TV show, as experienced by its producers, writers, and cast. Mary Tyler Moore made her name as Dick Van Dyke’s wife on the eponymous show, a cute, unassuming housewife that audiences loved. But when her writer/producers James Brooks and Allan Burnes dreamed up an edgy show about a divorced woman with a career, network executives replied: “Americans won’t watch television about New York City, divorcees, men with mustaches, or Jews.” But Moore and her team were committed, and when the show finally aired, in spite of tepid reviews, fans loved it.

Jennifer Armstrong introduces readers to the show’s creators; its principled producer, Grant Tinker; and the writers and actors who attracted millions of viewers. As the first situation comedy to employ numerous women as writers and producers, The Mary Tyler Moore Show became a guiding light for women in the 1970s. The show also became the centerpiece of one of greatest evenings of comedy in television history, and Jennifer Armstrong describes how the television industry evolved during these golden years.

Hardcover, 336 pages
Published May 7th 2013 by Simon & Schuster (first published May 1st 2013)
1451659202 (ISBN13: 9781451659207)

Does this sound like a book for you?  Let us know here at The Things You Can.

Happy Reading and Happy Blogoversary to
The Things You Can Read!
Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of Books!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Review: Astor Place Vintage by Stephanie Lehmann

Astor Place Vintage: A Novel

Rating:4 of 5 stars
“I had moved to Manhattan from Cold Springs…My favorite part of living in our brand-new apartment-hotel was breakfast delivered every morning on a dumbwaiter.” Thus begins our journey with Olive Westcott, one of two protagonists in Stephanie Lehmann’s Astor Place Vintage. Lehmann has successfully blended the lives of two women, living a hundred years apart, seamlessly with chapters told in alternating points of view. Olive lives in the world of 1907 in the city of New York, while Amanda Rosenbloom inhabits the more modern New York City of 2007 where the term "'vintage clothing' is a euphemism for 'clothing' worn by people who are probably dead.'"  How does Lehmann connect them? The answer is what keeps the reader enthusiastically devoted to finishing the novel.
Once hooked on the journal entries found in an old diary sewn into the lining of a vintage muff Astor Place Vintage becomes one of those books which can’t be put down. Through Olive’s adventures from riches, to poverty, to successful working woman in the “Men Only” Victorian job market of the early 1900s, the reader will experience some interesting twists and turns. Meanwhile, back in present day 2007 the thoroughly modern Amanda struggles to have it all, a thriving vintage clothing business, and a real committed relationship, all of which makes for a spellbinding journey.
An added bonus for those readers who love New York, past and present, is the setting of the story.  As is often the case with setting a novel in a city like New York, the metropolis itself becomes a character. After finishing the novel the reader will view the "Big Apple" with new more knowledgeable eyes.  Lehmann subtly shares historic New York architectural trivia. These tidbits are scattered everywhere, and eventually become key to revealing the connection which is shared by our protagonists, Olive and Amanda, and, more importantly, each woman’s connection to the ninety-eight year old antagonist, Jane Kelly. With this key interrelationship disclosed, Lehmann successfully brings the reader full circle with a realistic and satisfying conclusion to Astor Place Vintage.

I would like to thank Simon & Schuster and Edelweiss for providing an Advance Readers Copy (ARC) of Astor Place Vintage  by Stephanie Lehmann.

Additional Resources:
Goodreads Summary:  Click HERE
Author Information on Stephanie Lehmann:  Click HERE
NYC Architecture:  Click HERE

Does this sound like a book for you?  Let us know here at The Things You Can.
Touchstone Books: Astor Place Vintage by Stephanie Lehmann

Happy Reading and Happy Blogoversary to
The Things You Can Read!
Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of Books!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Announcing the OFFICAL Literary Blog Hop Post: June 22 thru June 26

June is our Blogoversary month and we here at The Things You Can Read are celebrating by joining The Literary Blog Hop.  What does that mean?  It means you have a chance to win some great books or book related prizes, but not just from The Things You Can Read, but rather from all those participating in The Literary Blog Hop.

We here at  The Things You Can Read will be giving away a free literary book of your choice.  Here are the rules:
1The The Literary Blog Hop
starts June 22 and ends June 26. 
2To enter write a comment on the
official June 22 post.  Include an email
to be used to contact you should you win.

3Now, FOLLOW The Things You Can Read on
Google Friends Connect (GFC) or by Email.  If
you already follow us, let us know in your comment.

4The winner will be chosen by using the

5The winner will be contacted by email after the contest
has concluded.  We will post the winners name
and blog (with their permisson) when
we announce the WINNER.
Don't forget to checkout the other
The Literary Blog Hop participants and
Good Luck!

The Literary Blog Hop is from June 22 until June 26! Enjoy, and let us know what new blogs you discover as you hop around the blogosphere!

Here is a list for your hopping convenience:
  1. Leeswammes
  2. Ciska's Book Chest
  3. The Book Garden
  4. Sam Still Reading
  5. Ephemeral Digest
  6. Curiosity Killed the Bookworm
  7. Rikki's Teleidoscope
  8. The Things You Can Read (US)
  9. Seaside Book Nook
  10. The Relentless Reader (US)
  11. Under a Gray Sky Blog
  12. Exurbanis
  13. Candle Beam Book Blog
  14. Booklover Book Reviews
  15. Books in the Burbs (US)
  16. Babyboomerwrites
  17. River City Reading (US)
  18. Lakeside Musing (N. America)
  19. Read Lately (US)
  20. The Book Diva's Reads
  21. A Place That Does Not Exist
  22. Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book (US)
  23. A corner of the library
  24. Roof Beam Reader
  25. The Misfortune of Knowing
  26. Girl Vs Bookshelf
  1. heavenali
  2. Love at First Book
  3. The Little Reader Library
  4. The Siren's Tale
  5. Musings and Ramblings
  6. The Readers Realm (US)
  7. Lost Generation Reader
  8. Readerbuzz
  9. Literary Meanderings
  10. Book Clutter
  11. Bay State Reader's Advisory
  12. Love, Laughter, and a Touch of Insanity
  13. Nose in a book
  14. Audios & More
  15. Laurie Here
  16. Mythical Books
  17. Books in the City
Happy Reading and Happy Blogoversary to
The Things You Can Read!
Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of Books!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Book Blogger Hop: June 21-27

When you are writing your reviews, do you write them as you are reading or wait until you are completely done with the book?

I write my reviews after I have finished the book, but maybe I should try writing the review while I am reading the book to see if it makes a difference.  Honestly, I had never thought to try writing the review as I read the book.  I guess the "read it first" mentality has been ingrained in me from my school days. I will say that as I am reading the book, I do highlight passages to go back to when it is time to write the review.

Happy Reading and Happy Blogoversary to
The Things You Can Read
Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of Books! by Simon & Schuster: Free Books

Simon & Schusters is offering a new FREE book program for TEENS!  Click HERE to checkout this new program.

Introducing pulseit! Click here to readit, hearit, shareit, joinit

Let us know what you think here at The Things You Can Read!

Happy Reading and Happy Blogoversary to
The Things You Can Read

Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of Books!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Summer Reading: Scholastic Books Preview 2013

Scholastic Fall Preview is a great source of books and "new to you" authors you might like to try over the summer.  Still not sure what to read?  Watch the Spring Preview below for even more ideas for summer reading.  Check out some of their suggestions by clicking HERE.  Let us know if you found a new author or new series.  We love Gordon Korman's books.  Do You?

Scholastic's Spring 2013 Librarian Preview -- Middle Grade Books

Happy Reading and Happy Blogoversary to
The Things You Can Read
Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of Books!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Another Titanic Research Project: Historical Fiction Short Story

Titanic Research: Historical Fiction

Titanic Research Project 2013
For the second year we have used the Titanic as the topic for our research project.  Each year three options are available to my advance students:
Option 1: Traditional research paper
Option 2: PowerPoint and three paragraph paper to accompany the PowerPoint
Option 3: Short story.  
The short story option is always popular.  This option requires students to take their research and use it to create a short piece of historical fiction, which incorporates their facts about the Titanic seamlessly into the storyline.  Here is one of the stories created this year: 
 The Water is Cold
Location Unknown
Time unknown

                The water is cold. Nathaniel woke with a start, The thought still hanging on his head. He wasn't dead, that was for sure.

Where am I?

He observed the room closely. He was sitting up on a hospital-grade bed. Connected to his hand was a long tube that went into a bag of fluid hanging from a slim stand. The only other item in the room was a chair facing his bed. Nathan found no doors or windows. He tried to remember how he got here. Something about a boat. a big boat. 175 feet tall and 882 feet long kind of big boat. He still couldn’t quite get it..... A man walked in, interrupting Nathans thoughts. Nathan didn’t see where he came in. The man sat in the only chair in the room. A long black cloak and hood hid all of his features. Nathan saw droplets of water all over the man’s cloak and assumed it had been raining.
"Raining hard is it?" Nathan asked. The man shook his head. This confused Nathan because the man was obviously drenched head to foot in water. The man began to speak in a familiar voice that was both hard and soft.
"Tell me what happened," The man stated. Nathan didn’t know what he was talking about. Common sense told Nathan he was supposed to know something, and that the man hadn’t realized he had amnesia. Nathan for some reason felt it was best the man didn’t know what Nathan didn’t know.
"Where should I start?" Nathan said with an air of intelligence. He had no idea what he expected, but the man surprised him by throwing a newspaper on his bed. It was soaking wet. The headlines read "Titanic sinks, Massive loss of lives." The man showed his face for the first time.
"Start at the beginning," the man chuckled. Nathan gasped, horrified. It all came back to him like a speeding bullet.
"You shouldn’t be alive, " Nathan stuttered flatly. "I saw you-"
 "Neither should you," the man interrupted flatly. Nathan wet his lips.
"Alright," he started, "From the Beginning."

Chapter 1
Southampton, England
April 10, 1912

                "Let's go Nathan!" Richard yelled cheerfully. Poor 12 year old Nathan was running as fast as he could, but couldn’t possibly keep up with his 38 year old dad and his long feet.
"I'm trying I'm trying." Nathan shouted. Richard suddenly stopped and faced his son.
"Quick!" he yelled," Tell me what you can about the beautiful RMS Titanic!"
"Okay!" Nathan said, catching his breath, "The RMS Titanic, or Royal Mail Ship Titanic, captained my Mr. Smith, is 175 feet tall, 882 feet long, and has four funnels, but one of them is a phony little fake for show." Right Father?" Richard nodded so Nathan continued eagerly. "Twenty-nine boilers, 16 watertight compartments and a-"
"Right son," Richard interrupted," Don’t overload that little brain of yours."
"Ewwwww," Nathan joked, “I don’t want my brain over-bloated!" They both laughed at the horrible joke. Nathan and Richard were on their way to board the Titanic where Richard would be working as an engineer, repairing any damages and running frequent system checks to keep the Titanic going and lively. "The best engineer in the world," as Nathan calls him. Nathan and Richard would be staying in the crews quarters. They weren’t first class of course, but they would do for an engineer and his only son. Nathan watched the docking area. There was a long wooden plank leading to the Titanic from the mainland. There were  boxes and crates everywhere covering the docks. Nathan tripped over a smaller one. His foot twisted but he ignored it and got up. Slightly embarrassed, Nathaniel ran to catch up to his father who had gotten ahead. He was wheezing when he got there. Asthma!
"Look at it son!" Richard cheered, "The glory that is the Titanic!" Nathan was amazed. Richard had seen it many of times but Nathan never had. Even though he knew how big it was the size still amazed him. It must have cost a fortune. He was honored just to look at it. Even more, he was riding it! What time must have gone into-
"Ooof, Nathan exclaimed.
"Watch were you’re going young lad!" Someone yelled. Nathan looked up. he was at the top of the plank. Must have been so busy thinking, I didn’t realize I had boarded! Then he realized who he ran into. It was Thomas Andrews himself! Nathan turned red. He just ran straight into the designer of the Titanic. Nathan immediately started apologizing.
"sorry sir," He started, "really I am. I must have been daydreaming."
"It’s alright," Thomas answered, " I myself tripped over a small crate down there. If you’ll excuse me, I have a stroll to attend to." With that, he walked off. Nathan was surprised.  Thomas had tripped just like he had. He saw his father walking toward stern, where the crew quarters where held. Richard addressed Nathan as he approached.
"where did you run of to?" He asked.
"I met Thomas Andrews!" Nathan answered excitedly.
"Looked to me like you ran him over."

"I might have."
"You’re going to spend five days on this boat with him. Best not to make ole' Thommy angry.
"Nobody calls him that, Father."
"I do"
By that time they were in their room. Nathan used his skill in observation. It was quite small having a single bed and only a few items, but it will do for a small amount of time. After all, it was the most luxurious ship in the world. Nathan and Richard put all their belongings, a few suitcases and a backpack, on the floor. It wasn’t going anywhere, it’s not like the ship was going to sink or anything. Nothing could make Nathan frown today. After traveling on the most luxurious boat in the world Nathan would stay with his rich uncle in New York who owns a company selling shoes for pets. Nothing could possibly take the smile of Nathans face. Nathan was almost finished observing the room when he saw some exposed rivets from the Titanic. His quarters were at the edge of the boat. Nathan immediately knew something was wrong. He had a way with these things. He could tell you how a machine works just by listening to it. Nathan punched the rivet. It didn’t sound right. It sounded.... Substandard. The smile faded from his face.

Chapter 2
RMS Titanic
April 10, 1912

                Nathan stared at the man he had crashed into. Not a man really, he looked more around fifteen. He had a blazing head of fiery hair, pale skin, and a stewards outfit. Nathan had been daydreaming again. More like a daymare. Nathan had observed the lifeboats. Too few. Much too few. Only half the passengers could survive if each were filled to the brim. Not that the Titanic was going to sink any day soon. Nathan knew his dad wouldn’t let that happen. Richard had long gone below decks for system checks and last minute adjustments. he wouldn’t be up until dinner. Most passengers had already boarded, hence the reason a steward would be about.
"Sorry sir," the Steward mumbled. His voice was both hard and soft.
"No problem. completely my fault Mr...," Nathan asked.
"Just call me Steward sir," Steward stated.
"That hardly seems fit. what is your name?"
"Steward, young master. I really must be back at work."
"You don’t have work," Nathan said pointedly.
"Excuse me?!?" Steward barked.
"You are a stowaway. probably too, young to join so you snuck on and grabbed a uniform."
"You walk like your scared, you were too jumpy when I hit you, you don’t carry yourself like a steward should, your language is ghastly nobody would talk to a passenger like that, and you Steward, are no steward," Nathan listed intelligently "Why else would you refuse your name? Don’t worry your secret is safe with me. Maybe we can be friends hmm? I know everything on this ship and will quickly get bored." Steward was stunned. How could someone figure all that out from a glance? Then Steward smiled. He liked this kid.
"Okay young master, you win," Steward said a little too cheerfully, "If you know this ship inside and out, can you help me get assigned to someone? If the White Star Line finds I have no passenger, they may throw me in the brig!" Nathan smiled. He hoped the young Steward hadn’t realized Nathan wasn’t actually a passenger.
"You can be assigned to me. I am a passenger after all," Nathan said.
"Good. anything you like then?" Steward asked. So, Nathan thought, the young Steward doesn’t know.
"Food in an hour please."
"How much?"
"enough for two."
                Nathan watched as 'Steward' departed. That should keep him busy while Nathan finishes his stroll. He'd been walking for almost an hour, spending a time on each deck, starting at his quarters and up, then going back down. He had been counting lifeboats when he hit Steward. there were only twenty. Fourteen wood, four collapsible, and two cutters.  Too few. Much to few He had made his way to F Deck now. Crewmen and passengers bustled about. Almost nothing could be heard over the hustle and rustle of everyone. luckily Nathan had a way of hearing things. He heard what he was listening for. Then again. and one more time, this one louder than the rest. Nathan nodded and headed in that direction. He opened a door and found the room of his desire. The kennels. Nine dogs in total, Nathan counted. The dogs did not bark at him. They didn’t growl, or whine. They just sat in their kennels and watched expectantly. Nathan had a way with dogs. Not cats though, never cats. Nathan would to the kennels often.

Chapter 3
RMS Titanic
April 10, 1912

                Steward resisted the urge to report for lunch. He couldn’t. If the officers asked his name and found he wasn’t actually a Steward, then that was it. The brig for him. Steward kept moving toward the dining area. every passenger was supposed to report there to eat. There were multiple ones for each class of passenger though, so which one? Steward had debated it for a long while. Eventually he came to a conclusion. Only a first class passenger could make such a request as to dine outside the dining room and get away with it. Whoever Nathan was, he must be rich. Not some son of an engineer or something. Steward walked across the dining room to the kitchen. He then requested enough for two. The cooks looked at him like he was a lunatic.
"Ye don’t come in and ask for food lad," One of the Cooks said.
"First class requested it sir, despite my protests," Steward said, putting on a good act. He needed to seem like an innocent Steward doing his duties.
"Who asked such an absurd thing from ye?" Interrogated the Cook.
"I... I don’t know sir. He didn’t say. He was very commanding though, and I think he can get me thrown in the brig if I don’t return with food," Steward pleaded. That wasn’t far from the truth either.
"Alright I can sympathize."
                Steward walked away, food in a tray. Altogether his first day had gone well. Steward froze outside the dining room. Where was he supposed to meet? Oops.

Chapter 3 1/2
RMS Titanic
April 10, 1912
Nathaniel and Steward.

                Steward looked at Nathan dumbfounded. Nathan looked at Steward smiling. Nathan had just said that the food for two was for Nathan and the Steward. Since when did a first class passenger care? Nathan hadn’t actually gotten it for Steward of course, but when his dad had to work overtime, Nathan had changed his plans. So there they sat, in comfy chairs on the second class view area, watching the waves until Steward had to leave.  At least my secret is safe, Steward thought. At least I have someone to talk to, Nathan thought.

Chapter 4
RMS Titanic
April 11, 1912
Nathaniel and Steward

                Nathan was proud of his father. What is she thinking? What does she know? Nathan looked at the woman who just insulted his father. She wore a pink bonnet, a pink skirt, a pink... everything! Nathan couldn’t tell whether she was second or first class. He couldn’t even remember what deck he was on. "Just a dirty little tinkerer's boy,  hmmm?" I'll show you a tinkerer. Nathan looked at the others sitting in chairs facing him. they were all sitting in one of their gathering rooms. Two men who looked well beyond their prime, and three women. All but one of them laughing at his father. Steward backed away. I wonder what his dad does that makes such money. Certainly can’t be a simple engineer if he’s first-class. but first-class was an assumption. Who is he?  Nathan walked straight up to the men and took their matching shiny gold watches, face full of anger. Ignoring the men’s protests, he began to take them apart. "Someone call an officer!" and "What the bloody blazes is he doing!?!" were shouted. Steward even tried to stop Nathan. Nathan didn’t hear though. He was a strange little boy, but even more strange was his ability with mechanics. Once he started, it was like the rest of the world didn’t exist. Nathan started rearranging the gears and cogs. That goes there, this belongs here, wind that up and....
                "There!" He shouted. He put his newly recycled contraption on the deck and let it go. Steward couldn’t believe his eyes!  There in front of him was a small golden creature instead of a watch! it was the size of all three watches, had multiple mechanical parts showing and moved. The watch hands had been turned into four legs, and every tick of a second moved a single leg a small amount so that every minute was a step. and every hour was sixty. The Titanic was so steady, the contraption didn’t waver on its light legs. The men looked amazed.
"Would ye look at that!"
"It moves!"
"What about my watch?"
                The eldest of the men, and the one who didn’t laugh, looked up at the three ladies.
"Just a tinkerer's boy eh?" He said in a voice that was both hard and soft, "You three should be ashamed. The young lad's a genius!"
"Thank you sir," Nathan said. The women sulked away, ashamed of themselves.
"Do ye mind if I keep ye contraption?" The eldest man asked.
"It is made from your items sir. I can put it back if you like."
"A masterpiece like this should be kept like this!"
"Thank you. I must be going then."
"See you, lad. Name's John."
                Nathan turned and started to walk away. The other man spoke up.
"What about MY watch?"
"Ye don’t get yer watch!"
                Steward couldn’t help but laugh as he followed Nathan out of the room.
A thought hit him. I don’t even know this young boy's name! A young boy shoved pass Steward, running hard. He was in a steward uniform.
"Who do you think you are?!" Steward called.
"I'm Alfie, sir!" the boy shouted.
                Steward grumbled and caught up to Nathan.
"I must ask. What IS your name?" Steward asked.
"Just call me passenger," Nathan responded slyly.

Chapter 5
RMS Titanic
April 14, 1912

                Yesterday had been a blur. He visited the dogs again, talked with the old man about his father, saw his father again, but the most fast-paced part was when he gave three first- class meals to the steerage. Steerage sure knows how to party. All three meals could allow everybody something to eat. He even got John to join. for an elderly first class snob, he could sure party. The weirdest thing about that day though, was the fact that he can’t remember. Nathaniel has extremely sharp senses and observation skills, but when he tries to look back at the party, all he observes is blur. He even found Steward collapsed in steerage a time later. Nathan ached. He tried one more time to look back. He hadn’t any drinks, that was for sure. Nobody ate anything but the meal, so the exhaustion must have been from dancing so much so fast. He remembered someone dancing faster than Nathan had ever seen. Something about a Paddy. He wished his dad could have been there. DAD! The boilers! Why haven’t I visited before? Nathan took off running.
                Nathan shoved through crowds, shouted over bustling groups, and dodged hurrying communities. The smell of carbon dioxide filled his lungs, and heat burned his eyes. How do these people LIVE? Richard saw his son before his son saw him.
"What are you doing down here?!" He yelled angrily over the boilers.
"I was just... I wanted to see you!" Nathan shouted back.
"At five in the evening?"
"Long story." Nathan coughed. The heat stung his eyes even more. Nathan coughed and wheezed and coughed. He couldn’t stop. Why couldn’t he stop coughing? He heard someone yell to get him above decks. Next thing he knew, the sun was bearing down on him. Someone said "Asthma". Oh yeah! I have Asthma. That’s why. The world faded.

Chapter 6
RMS Titanic
April 14, 1912

                Nathaniel woke in the medical room of the Titanic. He was on a medical-grade bed. Where was Richard? He saw a note on the wall in front of him. Richard had reluctantly gone back to work already. The med bay wasn’t bad. everything was white. The only piece of furniture in the room was a single chair facing his bed. Nathan realized he wasn’t the only breathing one in the room.
"Hello Steward," Nathan said hoarsely.
"You breath kind of funny."
" you gave us quite a scare. Why would you go and do a stupid thing like that?"
"I can’t remember."
"Your dad wanted to stay. He was forced out."
"Figured as much."
                Nathan smelled the air. Too much water. Nathan started to get up and put the door. The first thing he did was get above deck, Steward trailing behind. Fog was everywhere. Nathaniel solemnly put a hand down on the deck. The Titanic’s engines were vibrating more. They were going faster.
"The fog is rolling in Steward. Yet we are still increasing in speed. Smith is a seasoned captain. He should know better."
"Even I know that. Let me tell you, I really aren’t that smart. Even I know we shouldn’t be speeding."
                Nathan looked ahead, using his keen observation skills.
"Get near a lifeboat and stay near it."
                At 11:00PM It hit. The bell sounded, "Iceberg straight ahead!" was called, and it hit. The entire boat shook. Most people paid it no mind, but Nathan was not most people.
"Steward, do your duty. Get everyone up. Save them."
                Steward was already gone. Nathan knew there was a problem. That kind of hit would have been mainly below decks... Father! Nathan ran as fast as he could. He ran and he ran. He was trying to get to the boilers when he realized something. He didn’t know where he was. Nathan panicked, coughing and wheezing. Black spots danced in front of his eyes. People bustled about. Steerage knew what was going on, and tried to get away. Someone shoved Nathan to the ground. The world started fading again. Just like last time. The Titanic really is messed up! It’s not even in focus!  Something sharp hit him in the leg and Nathan was forced to sit up. He found himself looking at the face of Steward. Somehow, people weren’t kicking and trampling him.
"Two Asthma attacks in one day!" Steward said, a sharp needle in his hand, "You’re going to set a new record!"
"That’s what I'm going for."
"Don’t. I need you alive."
                Steward dismissed the question. Nathan started speed walking to his father. Walking, not Running. Steward knew Nathan shouldn’t be up so fast, but what could he do? This kid was determined to get to his father. Steward watched as Nathan opened a door and charged through. Nathan was still gasping when he found his father. Water was all over the floor. Multiple people were scooping out water. This was the sixth watertight compartment. That meant five boiler rooms were swamped. If water was all the way over here, how big was the hit? Nathan looked at the closed compartment door. His father was trying to get the watertight compartment to be watertight. Apparently there was a hole at the top so water could spill over. Andrews! I thought you had sense! Nathan's dad was using a blowtorch-who knows where he found that-to connect a ramp to the opening. This would cause the water to spill back down, giving everyone more time. Nathan roared over the rushing water.
                Richard looked at his son bewildered. "Son! Run to the Lifeboats! Children first!"
"Is it that bad?"
"Yes it is! We don’t even have time to talk. Get above deck now!"
"No! I won’t lea-"
"Yes you will!" Richard roared, "I love you son, but I was never meant to survive this trip. Go to your uncle and stay with him. Take your Steward friend with you. Your uncle will understand, “Richard said this softly. He turned to the Steward. "You take him out of here and to the lifeboats. You get him to survive, and its luxury for you. Go. This will only buy you a minute at most."
                Steward acted fast. He clamped his hand over Nathans mouth and pulled Nathan out of the room. Nathan didn’t even get to say goodbye.

                Nathan tried as hard as he could to free himself from Stewards grasp, but he was to weak. Stewards strength was almost superhuman. Someone was running by fast. Nathan knew what to do. He turned so that Steward was hit straight on by a mountain of a man. His bodyguard said something about a "Gilhooley" Steward was knocked of his feet. Nathan took off, hoping he didn’t have a third attack. Nathan took this time to think. Take the size speed and trajectory, plus the amount of time, with my father's help, we have..... around an hour.


                Nathan looked at the dogs he just freed from their cages. They were all running above deck. Nathan hoped they would survive. He liked those dogs. Nathan followed the dogs and went above deck to complete chaos. People were racing around, trying to get a spot in the lifeboats. Somewhere in the midst, music was playing; calming music. Steward joined Nathan.  A lifeboat was open, but Nathan wasn’t ready just yet. There was still more he could do. There were still children to save. Nathan turned heel and walked back down to Steerage.


                Nathan had just found another group of Steerage women and children. Somebody had ordered them to stay down here. Selfish people wanted a spot on the boats. This was the fourth group he had escorted. Steward was escorting others as well. They knew that everyone they saved was one less spot for them, but they didn’t care. It was like a maze getting back up. every time they came back down, more spots were flooded. It was taking longer and longer to get back top deck. The last escort took almost ten minutes. One of the mothers he was escorting said something in a foreign language. Nathan just said everything was okay and kept moving. Nathan knew nothing was okay whatsoever, but that didn’t need to be said.


                That was it. The last lifeboat was being lowered. No room was left. Nathan hoped Steward had gotten away safely, because he knew he wasn’t going to. He looked around. All the men knew it too. Nathan saw a group of well-dressed men calmly playing cards. The band played on. Nathan looked at the rising water. He knew it wasn’t long now. See you soon dad. Then the lifeboat stopped lowering. Someone was getting out.
"You are married and have families," a woman said, "I'm not it doesn’t matter about me."
                The woman looked at Nathan and gave him a wink. Next thing he knew he was lifted over the side and thrown into the lifeboat. He looked at the woman gratifyingly. She smiled calmly at him. Then a not so calm man jumped in.
"You idiot," Someone roared, "YOU’LL TIP US OVER!" The man didn’t listen. He decided to jump in the lifeboat itself. He landed right near Nathan. Nathan was launched out of the boat. The water started putting him into shock instantly. The water is cold.

                Nathan woke up shivering. Men and women were all around him. They were yelling something. Father! Nathan's head rolled to the side. He was on a boat obviously Father! Hi looked at one of the tied up lifeboats. The lifeboat read "Carpathia".

Father I’m cold!
It's wonderful how warm you can get when you’re cold.....

Chapter 7.

                Steward looked up at Nathan sitting stunned on his bed. Nathan had just finished telling everything he could remember, with Steward adding parts.
"So I told you my story," Nathan said finally, "Now tell me yours. How did you survive, and days later still be drenched in water?"
                Steward told him. Nathan’s jaw dropped.

April 14, 1917
Uncle's Estate

                Nathan walked alone. He always walked alone this day. The anniversary of the hit. Nathan’s uncle was rich. He owned an estate. In the estate was a large garden and in the center of that garden was a grave. The grave he always visited. Nathan knelt in front of the Tombstone.
Richard Lawrence
The Best Engineer in the world.

                There was an item for every year. The first was a wrench. Richard’s favorite wrench. The second was the wedding ring with which Richard had proposed to his wife, Emelia. The third was the machine Nathan had made out of a watch on the Titanic. The watch had stopped the exact minute Richard died. The fourth was the last picture ever taken of Richard and Nathan happy together. Nathan put down the fifth item. It was a letter; an acceptance letter. Nathan was following in his father's footsteps. Nathan shed a single tear. Just as the woman had done to save his life, Nathan calmly got up and walked away. At eighteen, he had a job to do. The Olympic was waiting.

Written by C.F.
Let us know what you think of "The Water is Cold."  We will pass on your comments to the author!
NOTE:  Students read all three of Gordon Korman's books in his Titanic series in class.

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